A unified complexion with our anti Dark Spots program : ,

With Ageing, medical treatment, hormonal changes, we can see, appearing on our skin, some dark spots with different sizes .

Sun rays emphasize the phenomenon .

This is why a serious treatment providing visible results is necessary to get a more unified complexion :

1st step : apply every day a unifying and anti dark spots treatment, which is going to act on pigmentation process (melanogenesis) by stopping the production of melanocytes and reducing in surface and intensity the pigmentation spots. This cure program allows as well to prevent new dark spots.

2nd step : use a sun protection skincare every day, in order to protect your skin from UV rays .

Our Condensé advice :

Apply 2 or 3 drops of our amazing Perfect Lightening Serum under your day cream and night cream. Its water texture fits all kind of skin and goes quickly into your skin.

Then , apply the Lightening Protective Cream and put 50 or 50 + sunscreen on your skin to finalize your protection.

Don’t forget to exfoliate your skin once to twice a week, in order to boost cell renewal.

The Melting Exfoliating Mask acts after 2 minutes and fits sensitive skin.

You can use as well the Perfect Ligthening Serum, under your sun protector, helping your skin from gaining new dark spots and slowing down the melanogenesis process.

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